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About Us

Our story began in 2013 in a small room making our own creative crafts and posting them online. As time goes by, more and more people started learning about us and what we do.
So after being asked over by hundreds of people to expand our Brand and make more
creative products we finally did it. We now own a Company located to the U.S producing high quality products compined with a premium design and the best materials possible.

Since we love giving back and because we love setups, gadgets and gaming we have decided to make it our mission to give ill children a chance to feel like children again and not a patient, by providing them games, books and toys to
bring a smile to their little faces. We have found charities and non profit organizations that help support this cause.....
We will donate a percentage of our revenue to charity gaming in order to help these children and put a smile on their face.
This is something we've been doing already but its now time reveal our thoughts and love through our amazing products.