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We believe quality should be ever-improving, which is why we create the best of the best and then challenge ourselves again to exceed the best.

We define good design as simple and smart. We aim to pack the most without compromising the original silhouette of every device. Moving forward to bring the best experience while keeping the essential technology to bring into your lifestyle. Turning tech into the form where you can experience or be helped with.

The Tech journal

Technology is at early phase of several powerful trends

Technology is at early phase of several powerful trends

Technology is now at the very early phases of several powerful trends – Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G networks, the Internet-of-things (IoT) and autonomous transportation. Very seldom in recent history have such a large number of new technologies been ramping up at the same time
14 Tech Tips For Managing Day-To-Day 'Business Chores'

14 Tech Tips For Managing Day-To-Day 'Business Chores'

My trick is starting the night before by going over my most important tasks for the following day and prioritizing them. The following morning, I check my emails quickly for emergencies and if nothing comes up, I start with the hardest task first thing in the morning.
25 Tech Predictions for 2020

25 Tech Predictions for 2020

"In terms of the issue of consumer privacy, two things are going to affect businesses greatly: the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) becoming effective in January 2020 and Internet users continuing to be increasingly sensitive to how their data is collected, used, and managed.




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